Novamag - Backend isn't accessible at the moment (automated) – Details zu Vorfällen

Alle Systeme funktionieren

Note that some aspects of Novamag depend on third-party systems which may have their own outages. While we try to update this page when we learn about outages in systems that we depend on, the status pages for the other system may be updated more quickly. These include:

Backend isn't accessible at the moment (automated)

Großer Ausfall
Aufgetreten am vor 4 MonatenDauerte 4 Minuten



Funktionsfähig aus 1:22 PM zu 1:22 PM, Großer Ausfall aus 1:22 PM zu 1:26 PM, Funktionsfähig aus 1:26 PM zu 1:26 PM

  • Gelöst

    Backend is now operational! This update was created by an automated monitoring service.

  • Analyse

    Backend cannot be accessed at the moment. This incident was created by an automated monitoring service.